Casselberry, FL, City Commission Meeting
15 May 2023
Gordon Brown (212 words)

Thank you, Mayor Henson, Commissioners, and staff. May we begin with a moment of reflection and gratitude, in that, we live in a society where myriad voices and beliefs are respected and even celebrated.

Faced with challenges daily, many overcome them while others are left in despair, but we all look to our elected and appointed public servants to provide leadership and viable solutions.

We all acknowledge the accomplishments of this body in concert with the citizens of this wonderful city. Tonight, may these deliberations remain optimistic and engage a few guiding values:

           Decisions made with evidence and veracity,

          Acceptance of those who grow-up, live, and love, differently,

          Support of both bodily and introspective autonomy,

          Abiding regard for the diversity and dignity of those who are served,

          And keeping to the practices of logic, compassion, and justice.

 Again, thank you for allowing us to participate in this way and for your kind attention.

 Let me conclude with these words from Clarence Darrow: “I am pleading for the future; I am pleading for a time when hatred and cruelty will not control the hearts of men. When we can learn by, reason and judgment and understanding and faith that all life is worth saving, and that mercy is the highest attribute of man.”